Become an Egg Donor in Florida

Welcome to our Agency

Dear Egg Donors, wanting to become an egg donor is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give someone. This gift you are about to give is a miracle waiting to happen. It is kindness beyond expression. Creative Love, a Florida Egg Donation Agency, works with families that have infertility issues that have lead them to egg donation, same sex couples or individuals who cannot create their families without the assistance of an egg donor. The decision to become an egg donor is an important one, and not one to be made solely for financial gain. To become an egg donor you do not have to have children. Your Body Mass Index “must” be in line for your height and weight. Having undergone a tubal ligation or an abortion in the past does not interfere with you becoming an egg donor in Florida. What’s important is that you must be committed to the entire egg donation process and be able to demonstrate integrity and dependability throughout your egg donation cycle.

Donate Eggs

Throughout the process we will guide you from completing the egg donor application to finding an ideal match. As an egg donor you will feel a great amount of satisfaction knowing that you helped make the dreams of parenthood a reality for a couple or individual struggling with infertility or its challenges. Creative Love takes pride in the egg donors that we work with. From my own personal experience I understand what a generous gift you give when you become an egg donor. Without women like you many couples or individuals would have little hope to having a gestational bond with their child. Not only is there satisfaction of knowing you helped someone, but the financial rewards given to you can enable you to do many things.


Creative Love stays current on the latest trends in infertility treatments and egg donation, both related to egg donation in Florida and throughout the world, so that we can educate and guide you throughout your journey. We follow the high standards set forth by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine requiring egg donors to meet important requirements to qualify as a donor. Our agency offers the support you will need to make an egg donation cycle a successful one. Ninety percent of our donors come back and do more than one cycle with us due to the wonderful experience that they have had helping others. To become an egg donor in Florida you must be willing to complete medical and psychological testing. Take a series of injectable medication, and undergo an outpatient procedure for the egg retrieval.

Next Steps to Become an Egg Donor in Florida

If you are highly motivated, responsible, healthy and bright we look forward to you joining our Florida egg donation agency family. Your next step would be to complete an egg donor application with us. Your donor application is not something to rush through. Completing your application properly will help you match that much quicker. At Creative Love we emphasize the importance of confidentiality. Our egg donor database is password protected so that only Creative Love’s intended parents, whom have been vetted, can view your in formation. We welcome your application today.