Egg Donor Requirements

Requirements To Be an Egg Donor

The Greatest Gift You Could Ever Give

Choosing to become an egg donor is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give someone. This gift you are about to give is a miracle waiting to happen. It is kindness beyond expression. Creative Love works with families that have infertility issues that have lead them to egg donation, same sex couples or individuals who cannot create their families without the assistance of an egg donor. The decision to become an egg donor is an important one, and not one to be made solely for financial gain. To become an egg donor you do not have to have children. Your Body Mass Index “must” be in line for your height and weight. Having undergone a tubal ligation or an abortion in the past does not interfere with you becoming an egg donor. What’s important is that you must be committed to the entire egg donation process and be able to demonstrate integrity and dependability throughout your egg donation cycle.

First Steps

The first step in the egg donation process is to complete the confidential online application. To be accepted as a donor to our program you must be between the age of 21-30, in good health, and free of tobacco for donation. No recreational drugs! Urine drug test will confirm this during your initial exam by the fertility clinic at which you will complete your egg donor cycle. You will be asked to complete a very detailed application about yourself. Once you have completed the application and have gone through your interview process with us you will then be added to our password protected donor database. Once you are a part of our database you will be available to be matched with intended parents. Interested intended parents will also contact Creative Love to notify us of their interest in you. Once you have been matched we will provide you with general non-identifying information about the intended parent so you can decide if you wish to proceed with them. Once you and the intended parent have decided to work together you will complete testing at the intended parents clinic, complete a psychological evaluation, legal contract will be drawn up for you by an attorney specializing in 3rd party reproduction and paid for by the intended parent as well as a consultation with the attorney. This can be done over the phone if you reside a great distance from the attorney in your area. Creative Love wants you to always remember that an intended parents heart will forever be grateful and blessed by donors such as yourself. We want you to be comfortable with your decision to donate your eggs to assist an infertile couple or individual. Creative Love staff is here to provide you with the emotional support and assistance during the whole egg donation process. Creative Love Egg Donor Agency is thrilled that you have visited our website and we look forward to you joining us in helping an intended parents dreams come true

Egg Donor Criteria

  • You must be a healthy female between 21 and 28 years old.
  • Have a regular period.
  • Have a healthy BMI index between 19 and 29.
  • You must NOT have any kind of STD.
  • You must be a non-smoker and not use drugs.
  • You must be psychologically healthy – no psychotic disorders.
  • No present use of anti-depressants, tranquilizers, and/or mood stabilizers.
  • No tattoo’s or piercing within the last 6 months.
  • In the last several months you must NOT have taken depo-provera, had a hormonal IUD or had a child. (you must have had three regular menstrual periods post removal of your hormonal IUD/Depo-Provera/Post Delivery)
  • You cannot be on Nor-Plant.
  • You must commit to approximately 8 different appointments over a 3-week period.
  • You must be a completely reliable person – mature, dependable and committed to following through with the process.
  • Never convicted of a crime.
  • Willing to undergo a medical and psychological evaluation.
  • You must be willing to take injectable medication (Small sub-q shots)
If you answered yes to all of the above requirements, please click here to complete our registration. Upon completion of the registration and approval of your donor account, you will be able to complete your full donor profile.