
Florida surrogacy laws or requirements

What Exactly Is An Art Attorney?

An “Art Attorney is an attorney who specializes in assisted reproductive technology and family formation law. , including surrogacy, egg donation, embryo donation, sperm donation, parental establishment, non-traditional family formation, co-parenting and second parent adoption. Attorneys specializing in assisted reproductive law create contracts that allow for legally-sounded family building, clearly stating the legal rights, responsibilities, […]

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Transitioning from an Ob/Gyn to an RE and Back Again - Surrogacy and Egg Donor Agency

Transitioning from an Ob/Gyn to an RE and Back Again.

One of the most important aspects of riding the infertility roller coaster is partnering with the right medical doctor to help your parenting dream become a reality. Many people have long standing relationships with their obstetrician/gynecologist and choose to stay with this physician as they try to build their families.  Sometimes it is difficult to

Transitioning from an Ob/Gyn to an RE and Back Again. Read More »

Gay Friendly State Laws - Creative Love Egg Donor and Surrogacy Agency

Gay Friendly State Laws

California, Florida, Texas, Connecticut, Illinois Surrogacy State Laws: California: In California where there is a gestational surrogacy arrangement, the intended parents are the legal parents as state laws.  Calvert v. Johnson, 5 Cal 4th 84 (1993).  In fact, the intended parents will be the legal parents, even where there is no written agreement.  In re

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Finding an Exceptional Surrogate Mother for Egg Donor

Later Motherhood

Today we are seeing more and more women becoming mothers later in life. Maybe we were trying to find “Mr. Right” or “Ms. Right”; or maybe we chose our career over motherhood; or maybe we just didn’t feel our biological clock until now. Some of us were not ready to have children before, but now

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covid 19 surrogacy - surrogacy and egg donor agency

Blood Type Information When Selecting Your Egg Donor

Not a very common practice, but to some intended parent(s) blood typing is important to them when selecting an egg donor to cycle with. When selecting a specific blood type it is important to remember that children do not necessarily inherit the same blood type as their biological parents. The reason blood typing is important

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AMH Test and Infertility: Everything You Need to Know - Surrogacy and Egg Donor agency

Everything You Need To Know About The AMH Test and Infertility

If you’ve been going through infertility treatments, you have likely been bombarded with a number of acronyms from your fertility specialist (i.e. FSH, IUI, LH, ICSI etc.) and while they all have their importance and we should all do our best to understand what they mean, there is one acronym you should take the time

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