Are you contemplating which IVF clinic to work with? Florida is home to 40 fertility clinics with some having better success rates then others. A good way to increase your chance of success in your IVF procedure is to do lots of research before selecting your clinic.
At Creative Love Egg Donor Agency we would be more then happy to talk with you allowing us the chance to get to know you and your fertility story. After talking we can help guide you to a clinic that we feel would be ideal for you.
Working with a clinic with the highest success rate can increase your chance of success too. Another good place to start on your research is either the “Center for Disease Control” (CDC) or the “Society for Reproductive Technology (SART) IVF Success Report”. The SART IVF Success Report for 2012 cycles was released in February 2014. The preliminary CDC IVF success rate report for 2012 was also released in February 2014. Not all clinics report to these organizations. Only use them as part of your research.
IVF success rate statistics for all reputable clinics are available on the web from both the Centers for Disease Control and from SART.
- The Centers for Disease Control is a US Government agency. It publishes IVF success rates annually for all reputable fertility clinics.
- The CDC IVF report includes data on age, specific fertility causes, number of embryos transferred, single and multiple births, etc.
- The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) also publishes annual reports for IVF and egg donation statistics.
- For any given year, SART releases its report 6-12 months before the CDC does
Wendy Arker entered the field of infertility with a huge heart and passion to guild others on their quest to grow their own family after her personal journey with infertility and turning to egg donation and sperm donation to create her own family. Being a single-mother-by-choice, Wendy understands firsthand the unique way families are built. Whether you’re a married couple, single, or LBGTQ, Creative Love is committed to assisting you.