Becoming a surrogate is an incredibly rewarding experience in more ways than one. Creative Love is always excited to meet potential surrogates eager to help make a couple’s dream come true. If you are interested in becoming a gestational surrogate first you must meet the following qualifications:
- Be between the age of 21-40 years old
- Reside in Florida
- Be a citizen (or permanent resident) of the United States
- Have experienced a healthy full-term pregnancy and delivery
- Enjoyed your pregnancy!
- Have given birth to a child of your own and raising that child
- Have had no more than 4 previous C-sections
- Have had no more than 6 pregnancies
- Provide medical records from OB/GYN for last 7 years of pregnancies and clearance letter approving you as a surrogate
- Be height-weight proportionate (BMI must be under 31)
- Must have a stable residence and lifestyle. *You cannot be planning to move out of the state, from the time you submit your application until after the delivery of the child
- Have the support of your spouse or partner (if applicable)
- Be willing to adhere to all contractual obligations throughout the process
- Not be on government financial support
- Surrogate and partner (if applicable) must agree to psychological testing
- Must pass a background check as well as your spouse or partner (if applicable)
- Be willing to take medications via injection, pill, patches ( instructed by RE)
- Must be a non-smoker (or have stopped for a minimum of 1 year)
- Must not take illegal drugs or be exposed to second hand smoke
- Be willing to refrain from alcohol throughout the medical process and pregnancy
- Be willing to be medically tested for STD’s and drugs
- Not have any psychiatric illness or take medications for depression or anxiety
- Must have a valid driver’s license and reliable transportation to travel to appointments
- Must be financially sound
- *If going through a divorce please contact our agency after you have completed the divorce. We cannot work with potential surrogates that are separated. Florida does not recognize legal separation other than for alimony and child support.
If you meet the outlined pre-requisites above you can begin the process of becoming a surrogate/gestational carrier by completing the following:
- Extensive interview with the agency
- Home visit from a representative of the agency
- Current pap smear
- Psychological evaluation with a PhD psychologist.
- Your spouse or partner (if applicable) must attend the psychological evaluation
- Submit past birthing records (within the last 7 years only)
- Pass a background check search by your name and SSN. This is conducted on both a federal and state criminal records, as well as residential history. (Spouse or partner, if applicable, is required to complete a background check as well)
If you have any questions in regards to the surrogacy requirements or becoming a surrogate mother, please contact our office. If you meet our surrogate requirements we invite you to move forward and complete a surrogate application with us today!
Wendy Arker entered the field of infertility with a huge heart and passion to guild others on their quest to grow their own family after her personal journey with infertility and turning to egg donation and sperm donation to create her own family. Being a single-mother-by-choice, Wendy understands firsthand the unique way families are built. Whether you’re a married couple, single, or LBGTQ, Creative Love is committed to assisting you.