How Does A Typical Egg Donation Cycle Work

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How Does A Typical Egg Donation Cycle Work - Surrogacy and Egg donor Agency

Before being considered to be an Egg Donor you must first past a rigorous application process and interview with Creative Love. Once you are selected by an Intended Parent them you must pass several important screening steps. All testing and guidelines are mandated and set by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine and the FDA.

  1. Complete an application with Creative Love Egg Donor Agency.
  2. Complete an interview with Creative Love Egg Donor Agency, either phone interview or Skype.
  3. Once you have passed the First 2 steps you will then be added to our donor database were intended parents can view your profile.
  4. Once you are matched with an Intended Parent you will then go through several different pre- screening steps.

All of the following 3 steps can be conducted close to home:

    • Day 2/3 Testing: FSH, Estradiol, Transvaginal ultrasound and AMH which is a hormonal study to see how strong your fertility is. Urinalysis for drugs and nicotine.
    • Psychological Evaluation: The psychologist will conduct an MMPI or PAI which is a personality test. You must be extremely truthful when answering the questions, the psychologist will then discuss the whole egg donation process with you from a psychological point, you will be asked about your upbringing, family history in regards to any mental illness,alcohol abuse, drug abuse, learning disabilities, schooling and behavioral issues.
    • Genetic Counseling: The genetic counselor will ask you questions about your family medical history as far back as you know. The counselor will also ask you about your ethnic background.

Once you have passed all of the above screening and are ready to begin your cycle with the Intended Parents you will  first have your legal contract drawn up by an attorney that will be assigned to you and paid for by the intended parents.  The intended parents attorney will draft the contract and your attorney will review it will you.  It is important that you understand everything in the contract.  If you feel you would like something added or omitted then you will discuss this with your attorney.  This contract is the bases for you relinquishing your rights to the eggs that you are donating and also the disposition of the remaining eggs as well as other important issues.

Once the contract are in place you will then go to the IVF clinic of the Intended Parent for your one day work-up. At this time the Dr will conduct an ultrasound to look at your ovaries to get an antral follicle count. He will also conduct a psychical exam that covers a pelvic exam, pap smear and cervical culture.  You will then be given birth control pills to begin with your next period in order to synchronize your cycle with the intended mother/surrogates cycle.  You will also do blood work to complete the FDA Egg Donor Panel.  If you are married or have a sexual partner they will have to be tested for HIV and Hepatitis B. At the Dr’s office you will sign a consent form.  This form will be explained to you by the IVF nurse coordinator.  What you are signing is a form consenting to participate in an egg donor cycle and relinquishing your ownership of the eggs that are retrieved.   If you are married then your husband will also have to sign the consent form too.

Once you have passed the Day 2/3 testing, You wil then go to a one day work-up appointment at the intended parents IVF clinic. At this appointment the doctor will have a copy of your Psychological Evaluation and Genetic Consult.  The doctor will conduct a physical exam to confirm that you are able to participate in an egg donor cycle. You will have an FDA Donor Screening Panel . These tests are required in order for an egg donor to participate in an egg donor cycle.

Physical Exam:
Blood Work:
  • Hepatitis B Core Antibody Total (Anti-HBc (Hep. B Core Total)
  • Hepatitis B Surface Antigen   (Hep. B Surface Ag.)
  • Hepatitis C Antibody (HCV)
  • HIV l / ll / O
  • HTLV -l / ll Ab. Screen
  • CMV Total Ab.
  • RPR
  • West Niles Virus RNA

The FDA has released new guidlines as of 2/27/2007. The new guidlines mentioned the testing for West Nile Virus. However at this time for West Nile Virus is recommended but not required.

Please visit to review these guidlines.

Genetic Screening: Most common test that are done on all donors
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Tay-Sachs
  • Fragile X

Urine Screeing:

  • Drug Testing
  • Nicotine Testing

If a donor is Jewish they would have to complete the Jewish Heritage panel

Once you have passed all of the above testing and legal contracts are in place. You will begin the birth control pill to synchronize your cycle with the intended mother/surrogate if your not already taking them. Meet with the IVF nurse coordinator at the center that your intended parent is cycling at. You will be given a calendar of your cycle and direction of how and when to administer your medication.

The following is a typical IVF- Egg Donor cycle (Creative Love Egg Donor Agency, LLC is not a medical facility and is only demonstrating an example cycle)

  • Both you and the Intended Mother/Surrogate begin taking birth control pills to synchronize your cycle for 2 weeks.
  • Third Week you begin Lupron injections for approximately one week  along with the birth control pill.
  • Stop the pill, but continue on the Lupron injections for approximately another week.
  • You will begin to take the hormone injection to begin maturing multiply follicles.
  • Approximately day 5 or 6 of hormone injections you will return to the RE’s office –  if your RE’s office is out of town (location of the intended patents)  we will make arraignments for you to be monitored close to your home.  You will have an ultrasound to see how the ovaries (follicles) are responding.  They will also do a blood test to check you estrogen levels.  The blood word can track how your ovaries are responding to the medication and if adjustments need to be made.
  • Ovarian stimulation (hormone injections) last an average of 10 -14 days. During the course of the egg donor taking the hormone injections she will have approximately 5-8 ultrasound and blood test appointments.  The appointments are early morning appointments around 7:30 am to work with your work and school schedule.  The appointments take approximately 30 minutes.  The appointment is a simple blood  (to check hormone levels) test and ultrasound (to check the development of the follicles.)
  • Once the test results and RE feel that the follicles are mature you will be instructed by the IVF nurse coordinator to the exact time that you are to take your last injection which is the HCG.  It is very critical that the egg donor takes the HCG injection at the reprise time instructed by the IVF nurse coordinator.  Once you have administered the HCG injection your retrieval will be within 36 hours of the injection. GREAT NEWS! The egg donor gets a break and no shots the next day until your schedule egg retrieval the following day.
  • Your egg retrieval is scheduled within 36 hours of the HCG shot. It is an outpatient IV sedation procedure ( IV sedation is administered by an Anesthesiologist,MD.  in the RE’s surgical suite. Your are under the IV sedation for approximately 15 – 20 minutes.
  • You stay in the recovery area for approximately about 1 -2 hours after the procedure. Once you are alert and can urinate you will be given postoperative instructions and discharged to go home with a companion.
  • Once Creative Love Egg Donor Agency, LLC gets confirmation that your retrieval has been completed your compensation will be released to you with 24/72 hours.
Post Egg Retrieval Effects ( egg donor aspiration)
  • Once you wake up from the egg retrieval you may feel heavy cramping. The level of discomfort is different for everyone.  The IVF nurse will give you pain medication if you request it.  Most egg donors are able to control their discomfort with Tylenol.
  • You may feel bloated and sore for a few day and have lite spotting.
  • Most donors return to work and school the next day and some take a few extra days to feel better
  • You should expect your next period in 2 weeks and at that time you can resume your contraception of choice