Women who donate their eggs play a vital role in helping intended couples become parents. If you are interested in being part of creating a family for those who cannot conceive on their own, you can donate your eggs. You may have questions or have some misconceptions about egg donation and we want to make sure you have the correct information, especially when there is so much information available through social media and the internet.
Are women who donate their eggs only in it for the money?
Women who decide to become an egg donor do not do it for financial gain. While it is true that egg donors are generously compensated for their services, they also have an obligation to be dependable and commit to the entire egg donation process. As an egg donor, you can earn compensation between $7,000 to $10,000. To qualify, we look for healthy females with proportionate Body Mass Index (BMI) who are between 21 and 31 years of age of all ethnicities and religious backgrounds. There are time commitments, medical screenings, and tests that an egg donor needs to adhere to. We believe that egg donors receive personal and emotional satisfaction and joy by helping others to create a family.
Will egg donors have eggs left if they want to have a child?
Women are born with one to two million eggs and over the years the eggs will die naturally. A woman’s body cannot generate any more eggs throughout the years. An egg donor will provide 10 to 20 eggs per donation cycle, which can happen more than once. After egg donation, women are still fertile, so she can get pregnant and have her own child even after donating their eggs. Egg donation will not complicate future fertility. In fact, donating eggs is safe with no related significant health complications. We recommend discussing your options with a health professional to discuss any potential side effects that may occur with egg donation.
These are only a few of the common concerns or misconceptions about egg donation that we shared. We are here to give individuals and couples who are struggling with infertility hope to create a family and enjoy the miracle of having a child. If you are curious about the surrogacy process or interested in egg donation, we are always here to listen and help with whatever questions or concerns you have. We have caring and compassionate staff available to discuss options and we want you to have the best experience possible. Contact us at any time!
Wendy Arker entered the field of infertility with a huge heart and passion to guild others on their quest to grow their own family after her personal journey with infertility and turning to egg donation and sperm donation to create her own family. Being a single-mother-by-choice, Wendy understands firsthand the unique way families are built. Whether you’re a married couple, single, or LBGTQ, Creative Love is committed to assisting you.