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SART: IVF SUCCESS RATES - Creative Love Egg Donor and Surrogacy Agency

IVF success rates

FIntended parents ask us all of the time what our thoughts are on the IVF clinic that they are working with. If you are just starting out on your fertility journey and need an extra little piece of mind it’s always a good resource to look at your clinics success rate through SART.  Fertility treatments have come a long way since the 1970’s.  IVF clinics are having great IVF success rates while transferring lower number of embryos per cycle. Please visit the SART website and look up your clinic.

What is SART? Society For Reproductive Technology

SART is the primary organization of professionals dedicated to the practice of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in the United States.  Our organization included more than 393 member practices, representing more than 85 percent of the ART clinics in our country.  The mission of our organization is to set and help maintain the standards for the ART in an effort to better serve out members and patients.