Surrogate Medications
Why the Medications are Important
Unlike a natural pregnancy that produces hormones to support growth, a surrogacy pregnancy requires a specific approach, wherein the process seeks to mimic a natural pregnancy. In partnership with Creative Love Egg Donor & Surrogacy Agency, gestational carrier are provided with a well-detailed plan. This plan includes the usage of surrogate medications to prepare the uterus for accepting the embryo and sustaining the pregnancy.
Several different surrogate medications are necessary to be administered, especially during the critical phase of preparing the uterus to accept the embryo for implantation. Unlike a traditional pregnancy where hormones are secreted naturally, these surrogate medications play a vital role in replicating that process artificially. This continues for several weeks until the placenta begins to secrete those hormones naturally. Though this may sound complicated, these medications are easy to take and are an essential part of the surrogacy process.
Guidance with Surrogate Medications
Creative Love Egg Donor & Surrogacy Agency emphasizes that each surrogate has a clear and comprehensive understanding of the whole surrogacy process and the surrogate medications involved. It is important to know that each surrogate journey protocol is tailored specifically to your individual needs. This includes the comprehensive explanation of all surrogate medications and their role in the successful implantation and growth of the embryo.
By partnering with fertility clinics across Florida, Creative Love ensures that all of these medications are explained at length. This helps in fostering a transparent and comfortable environment
Lupron (Leuprolide acetate)
This medication is used to turn off your body’s own natural stimulation to your ovaries. Lupron temporarily turns off your brain’s natural release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinzing hormone (LH), inducing a medical menopause. This medication is used in a way to help the doctor establish a baseline level or in other words a starting point. This is the first medication given to a surrogate other then birth control. Administration: Lupron is administered by subcutaneous (SQ) injection, meaning a small needle inserted under the skin. Side Effects: No long-term side effects have been reported.
Possible side effects:
- Moodiness/Irritability
- Headache
- Hot Flashes
- Insomnia
- Local irritation at the site of the injection
Low Dose Aspirin
Assist with cycle stimulation and embryo implantation Typically this medication is used for the first trimester Administration 81-83 mg low-dose baby aspirin taken orally.
Possible side effects:
- Upset stomach
- Easy bruising or bleeding
- heartburn
Vivelle Patches (Estradiol transdermal)
Estrogen is a hormone that helps maintain an early pregnancy Administration: Patches are placed on the abdomen and estrogen is absorbed through the skin. Estrogen can also be given in pill form.
Possible side effects:
- Skin redness/irritation at the application site
- Nausea
- Bloating
- Breast tenderness
- Headache
- Weight change
Progesterone is a hormone that is necessary to prepare the uterus lining for the implantation of the embryo and to help support and maintain an early pregnancy. If a pregnancy is achieved, it will be taken for another 10 weeks until the placenta can naturally release this hormone to support the pregnancy. Administration is either in the form of a vaginal suppository or intramuscular injection.
Possible side effects:
- Irritability
- Breast tenderness
This antibiotics is prescribed to treat any possible low-grade pelvic or prostate infection. This is given as a pre-cycle antibiotic to both the surrogate and partner. Administration orally. Taken in a pill form.
Possible Side Effects:
- Varies per individual
- Sun sensitivity
- Upset stomach
This steroid may be prescribed right before the embryo transfer to prevent inflammation of the uterus lining and preventing the body from rejection of the embryo. Administration orally taken in pill form.
Possible side effects:
- sun sensitivity
- upset stomach