
Smiling surrogate mother with intended parent(s) in Florida.

How Soon After Giving Birth Can I Become a Surrogate?

One of the surrogacy requirements is to have already had a successful pregnancy beforehand so it comes as no surprise that a question we hear from time-to-time with prospective surrogate mothers is “how soon after giving birth can I become a surrogate?” In today’s blog we will discuss this question and also go over other

How Soon After Giving Birth Can I Become a Surrogate? Read More »

Using a surrogate mother - Egg Donor and surrogacy Agency

What You Need To Know When Using A Surrogate Mother In Florida

Using a surrogate mother – surrogacy – is a wonderful option for many couples or individuals wanting to welcome a child into their life. With all of the advances in reproductive technology the possibilities are even greater. Before entering into a surrogate arrangement it is best to educate yourself as much as possible. Knowledge is

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