
Sharing Your Surrogacy News with Family: Egg Donor Insights

Can I Be A Surrogate If I Take Anxiety Medication?

Where does this leave anxiety medication?  By this, we are not talking about over-the-counter pills intended to relieve headaches caused in part by daily stress.  By anxiety medication, we mean prescription drugs intended to help regulate clinically diagnosed anxiety.  And they are often a no-no when it comes to volunteering as a surrogate mother. But why, you might […]

Can I Be A Surrogate If I Take Anxiety Medication? Read More »

Does Medicaid Cover The Cost Of Surrogacy?

When entering into a surrogacy arrangement it is against the law to utilize Medicaid for your benefit. Medicaid is a federal government sponsored program available to assist individuals that live at certain socioeconomic level. This federal assisted program offers medical needs like health insurance to disabled individuals, children and to a single pregnant woman that

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surrogacy and egg-donation services in Florida

Can I Be A Surrogate If I Receive Government Assistant?

As listed in our tab “requirements for becoming a surrogate” in order to qualify as a gestational carrier you must be financially secure. While you may otherwise be the perfect potential candidate, if you receive any form of government assistance you will not qualify to be a surrogate mother. The reason for this is quite simple. When

Can I Be A Surrogate If I Receive Government Assistant? Read More »

Average Timeline of a Complete Surrogate Journey: From Start to Birth

What Is the Average Timeline Of A Complete Surrogate Journey From Start to Birth?

Surrogacy is a process that should never be rushed. It’s a lengthy commitment from all parties involved. On average the process can take 14 – 20 month from the time you begin with the agency until the time of delivery. As the intended parents or surrogate you should be very flexible and cautiously optimist with

What Is the Average Timeline Of A Complete Surrogate Journey From Start to Birth? Read More »

After Embryo Transfer in Surrogacy - Surrogacy and Egg Donor Services

How Do I Start The Process To Become A Surrogate Mother?

Becoming a surrogate is an incredibly rewarding experience in more ways than one. Creative Love is always excited to meet potential surrogates eager to help make a couple’s dream come true. If you are interested in becoming a gestational surrogate first you must meet the following qualifications: Be between the age of 21-40 years old

How Do I Start The Process To Become A Surrogate Mother? Read More »

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What Does “Selective Reduction” Mean In Surrogacy?

Selective reduction is perhaps one of the more somber topics that must be addressed when considering infertility options such as In Vitro Fertilization. Especially when collaborating with a surrogate carrier as all parties must come to an understanding on choices and decisions that may be faced throughout the pregnancy. Selective reduction is the termination of

What Does “Selective Reduction” Mean In Surrogacy? Read More »