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We can help grow your family
Let our experts guide you: from the initial consultation to bringing your baby home.
About Our Agency
The United States is the first chose for intended parents from all over the world who are interested to international surrogacy. Traveling to Florida is simple. With easy travels, Florida is home to many of the best fertility clinics in the country. Florida is also one of the most surrogate friendly states. We have legal statues (laws) that protect you whether your a married couple, individual or same-sex couple. There are no complicated court proceedings and you leave Florida with a birth certificate reflecting your name on it and “not” the surrogate mother. Several reasons why international intended parents visit Florida for surrogacy:
- Florida is home to many top fertility clinics with very high success rates
- Strict Egg Donor Screening Process
- Highly Regulated Medical Care
- The advances in infertility treatment is an advantage over other countries
- Florida has surrogate laws that protect your rights and are very favorable
- Good exchange rates make surrogacy affordable in Florida
- Be between the age of 21-42 years old
- Must reside in a surrogate friendly state
- Enjoyed your pregnancy!
- Be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States
- Have experienced a full-term pregnancy and delivery
- Have given birth to a child of your own and raising that child
- Have had uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries
- No more than 2 previous c-sections
Compensation packages vary based on many factors from experience, c-sections, employed.
The delivery occurs in the surrogate’s hometown, however, in very unique situations arrangements are made with the surrogate to travel for the birth to the intended parents’ hometown. Each surrogacy arrangement is tailored for the needs of both parties.’
Many women genuinely enjoy being pregnant. It is also a way for a gestational surrogate to financially contribute to their own family while having an opportunity to help a wonderful couple or individual like yourself create a family.