Our Blog

May 27, 2021

One of the questions we hear a lot is “what happens after an embryo transfer?” To answer the question, once you have completed your embryo transfer, you will have approximately 1 1/2 weeks to wait before a pregnancy can be detected. The following charts outline an approximate timeline for what happens

May 27, 2021

After having my son in 2010 after a long fertility journey and with the assistance of an egg donor I knew that if I wanted to expand my family I would need the assistance of a gestational carrier. Entering into my third trimester of my pregnancy I developed HELLP syndrome. HELLP syndrome is a life threatening

May 27, 2021

For a myriad of reasons women around the world may discover that they are unable to conceive a child or carry out a successful healthy pregnancy. The desire to experience the joys of parenthood nonetheless do not diminish. Fortunately there are many options available to intended parent(s) that may find

May 27, 2021

When a couple or individual is unable to achieve conception on their own or carry out a successful pregnancy for medical reasons they may seek the assistance of a surrogate to fulfill their desire for children. A surrogate is a woman who is willing and capable of fostering a healthy pregnancy and delivery

May 27, 2021

It is important for a surrogate to stay fit and healthy.  Participating in a fitness regime will not only keep your body in great shape during your surrogacy, but it will also help you feel better emotionally. The recommended amount of and intensity of your exercise routine will depend on what stage

May 27, 2021

Great news for Floridians, Florida is one of the most surrogate friendly states in the United States of America! It may surprise a couple struggling with infertility and considering their various options, just how difficult it may be to maneuver through the legalities that fall under utilizing a surrogate

May 27, 2021

If you’ve been going through infertility treatments, you have likely been bombarded with a number of acronyms from your fertility specialist (i.e. FSH, IUI, LH, ICSI etc.) and while they all have their importance and we should all do our best to understand what they mean, there is one acronym you should

May 27, 2021

South Florida is home to some of the top leading infertility clinics in the country. Creative Love Egg Donor Agency, LLC and Surrogate Service is home to one of the most personable and caring egg donor and surrogate agency located in Florida.  At Creative Love our egg donors truly matter and are treated

May 27, 2021

Becoming a surrogate mother is not an obvious decision.  It is always the result of long and careful consideration. Are you physically prepared to take in an intended parent’s embryo?  Check the requirements we have posted on our website. Are you emotionally prepared to start the life of another

May 27, 2021

So, you’re working on your school schedule for the upcoming fall semester and you realize that your full student loan didn’t come through. Now your in a dilemma. Perfect solution, “Why not become an egg donor”. The compensation is fantastic and it can help to pay for school while at the same