Our Blog

May 27, 2021

I think many couples overlook the male factor when it comes to their infertility challenges. Infertility statistics  state that 40% of infertility problems are with the female, 40% with the male  and 20% as a couple combined. The world of infertility doesn’t offer men as many different test options

May 27, 2021

IVF success rates FIntended parents ask us all of the time what our thoughts are on the IVF clinic that they are working with. If you are just starting out on your fertility journey and need an extra little piece of mind it’s always a good resource to look at your clinics success rate through SART. 

May 27, 2021

by Iris Waichler, L.C.S.W. The Challenge of Waiting One of the toughest things about coping with infertility is the time you have to wait.  This includes waiting for test results, waiting to find surrogates and donors, waiting to determine why you can’t have a baby, waiting for a call from the adoption

May 27, 2021

SINGLE women are flocking to IVF centers to have babies solo as it becomes more socially acceptable for women to fore-go the wait for a perfect partner.  IVF Trends for Single Women in Melbourne Data from two of Melbourne’s biggest fertility clinics shows that since the January 2010 introduction of

May 27, 2021

I don’t think that you can really give this question a right or wrong answer. When is the right time to turn to egg donation? The “right time” is truly when it’s the right time for you. I felt very fortunate in the sense that I never got the speech that we all so dread to hear from our fertility

May 27, 2021

Your initial consultation with us can be done through Skype. We want you to be most comfortable working with an agency abroad from your home country. During this casual consultation we can answer any questions that you may have about the whole surrogate or egg donation process. We can assist in explaining

May 27, 2021

Every Egg Donor and Intended Parent that works with Creative Love must enter into a legal contract between parties before the beginning of an egg donor cycle. The intended parent – egg donor contract is seperate from the agency contract that you and the intended parents signs with us.  It is important

May 27, 2021

ItsDo You Need Genetic Counseling? By Amy Vance, MS, CGC Family history risk assessment enables couples who intend to use donated eggs to make informed decisions about potential genetic risks prior to donor selection and pregnancy.  Donor agencies can provide genetic counseling services so that the

May 27, 2021

California, Florida, Texas, Connecticut, Illinois Surrogacy State Laws: California: In California where there is a gestational surrogacy arrangement, the intended parents are the legal parents as state laws.  Calvert v. Johnson, 5 Cal 4th 84 (1993).  In fact, the intended parents will be the legal

May 27, 2021

Before being considered to be an Egg Donor you must first past a rigorous application process and interview with Creative Love. Once you are selected by an Intended Parent them you must pass several important screening steps. All testing and guidelines are mandated and set by the American Society of